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Item 307 of 370

They behold but a brief span of a life that is no life, and, doomed to swift death, are borne up and fly off like smoke.

[Fragments of Empedocles]

ERD/BREATH is designed for the precise voltage control (CV) of heat and thus smoke production within a modular, eurorack setting.

ERD/BREATH allows for controlled summoning and nourishment of (artificial and benevolent) demons, for the offering of sacrificial vapours, and for any modular use of multiple incenses or other smoke-producing resins, herbs and natural substances. A small sample of sage is included for preliminary cleansing of the modular environ. This should be placed on the middle wire heating element which will become very hot and should not be touched.

The burnt offering is a wolf's eye, storax gum, cassia, balsam gum and whatever is valued among the spices.

One CV input is provided with amplification (upper) and offset knobs (lower) for more precise control of heat and smoke modulations. Slowly changing CV inputs, pulses and slopes are suggested. An external heating element (a minimum of 12cm coil of 0.2mm nichrome wire for example) can be connected to the right hand DC JACK.

ERD/BREATH does not itself produce amplified sound but could be paired with a contact mic or Mikrophonie module, or used with a light to sound setup (for example the ERD/LICHT).

This module requires a 12-15V, 40W+ brick power supply with a centre positive 2.1mm DC jack plug (eg. MEAN WELL GST40A12 Desktop power supply). This is not included. The power is plugged on the left side DC JACK.

It is definitely not advised to leave the module connected to the external supply whilst the modular is unattended. Please exercise caution around the wire heating element; cables and hands should not touch this element.

ERD/BREATH ships with a two page manual in a limited edition of 50.

First batch of 20 sold out.

Technical and HOWTO

8HP, 40mA at +12V, 8mA at -12V, 0mA at 5v. One CV input, one output for an external heating element, 24mm deep, 17mm high. Power is red stripe/-12V DOWN.

This module requires a 12V, minimum 2A brick power supply with a centre positive 2.1mm DC jack plug (eg. MEAN WELL GST40A12 Desktop power supply). This is not included.

Manual, code and design files at: and

With thanks to Ioana Vreme Moser for image.

Reading list

The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation, Betz, H. D. et al.

The Fragments of Empedocles.

Becoming Gold, Grimes, S.

De Mysteriis, Iamblichus.

De Abstinentia ab Esu Animalium, Porphyry.

Techniques of Graeco-Egyptian Magic, Skinner, S.

Visions of Zosimos, Zosimos of Panipolis.


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