for 75€
workshop MICRO DRONE
OverviewDIS IS A DIY KIDworkshop
The price for the workshop 85 € less than 10 people More than 10 people 75€ This is a low budget workshop it takes a between two and four hours This workshop is developed for Asia and your host will be dennis de bel . More information feel free to contact us.
Drone Machine making different layers in sound
Nice to make some psychedelic sounds
you’re set up together with some effects .
Four separate oscillators waves forms .
Big silver knobs Playing on each others frequency
drowning Two oscillators .
Are use for LFO two small black knobs
The switches open the gate
Two different Audio out .
one is for the short sounds
The other one is for continue sounds.
Audio out Short sound storm drum out Open lowpas gate .
Modulation switch. Low frequency Oscillator
see demo