Welcome to Errorinstrument!
Our online shop is a gallery of unique and experimental instruments
that blur the lines between sound art and technology.
We specialize in creating small runs of different products,
including Eurorack modular synthesis,
standalone boxes in Bricky format,
and DIY kits. In addition to our products, we also offer workshops educational resources.
Based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands,
we ship worldwide and aim to deliver your order within two to six days.
Thank you for visiting Errorinstrument!
How you can contact us Email Call 0031628702561 Please use WhatsApp or FaceTime Of course, we are also on youtube Facebook and Instagram TikTok
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call +31(0)628702561
sound art …acousmatic music… algorithmic composition …Hardware Hackers .. digital improvisation… glitch… noise… …TECHNO ..electroacoustic music… process music… post-digital… sound sculpture…IDM… live-electronics… sound installation… game audio… live-coding… phonography… text-sound composition… plunderphonics… audiovisual systems… interactive technologies… spatial .chiptune audio music - art ..more ... -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------see-
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see. here docu. paul tas. and errorinstruments
New in our online shop
- .Sonic lullaby passive Bakra
Future retro Sonic lullabyFuturistic retro . The sonic lullaby passive .Very cool in brinta Morphagene Or sample slicerOr of course delay and re -ferbs8 hp see demo
€ 79,00 - .Sonic lullaby passive nior
Future retro Sonic lullabyFuturistic retro . The sonic lullaby passive .Very cool in brinta Morphagene Or sample slicerOr of course delay and re -ferbs8hpsee demo
€ 79,00 - .Sonic lullaby passive LOVE
Future retro Sonic lullabyFuturistic retro . The sonic lullaby passive .Very cool in brinta Morphagene Or sample slicerOr of course delay and re -ferbssee demo
€ 79,00 - Bopp & Steve
Sounds From Outer SpaceWith this module every sound is bigger on the inside and we can finally know how many angels fit on a pin-header. Between the input and the output your sound is shot through space and changes occur.
Bopp &…€ 440,00 new !!
Bus BoardFiltered Bus Board for Eurorack power distribution20 headers. eurorack modules Filtered BusBoard is a low profile bus board with extra filtered output 20 headers. This is an ideal bus board Each power rail is protected against…
€ 36,00for loopman 2
antenna loopman 2f you're looking to expand the range of your radio channels, consider using an antenna with your Loopman 2. You can easily connect the antenna to the stereo output on the side of the device. For a more streamlined option, a mono…
€ 10,00new ! 25 made
LOOPMAN 2. eurorackThe Loopman 2: A New Take on the Melotron The Loopman 2 is a fresh spin on the classic melotron, inspired by Henry Chamberlain’s groundbreaking work. This device lets you mess around with tape sounds at different speeds, giving…
€ 299,00vintage
SUIKO VS-180s Japanese analog synthesiserSuiko VS1 produces some interesting and beautiful tones∙ 8 Suiko VS-1 Sounds
∙ 4 effects: distortion, delay, chorus, and reverb
∙ Multi-LFO
∙ Glide
∙ Highpass/Lowpass filter
∙ Amplitude…€ 799,00
- DATA synth zilver xo
Data Synth .zilver XONOISE !! Is the digital synthesiser70 algoritmesThat is inspired by game sounds and noises .It has some Circuit bending Influence.And there is a lot of different sounds in there. You can use this manipulation…
€ 130,00 sold out !
TELE BLENDER blancaTele blender ,It’s an algorithmic Control voltage Generator .And an audio noise source .That creating loops of abstract Texture . That means Kind of controlled randomness .They are building loops that you can controlwith the…
TELE BLENDER black gold xpTele blender ,gold xp It’s an algorithmic Control voltage Generator . And an audio noise source .That creating loops of abstract Texture . That means Kind of controlled randomness . They are building loops that you can…
€ 199,00-25%
vco macroThis is a digital oscillator Based on the hardware of braids Bees-in-the-TreesThe software it’s totally different more into drum sounds and digital Quite interesting . Also somethings are chiptune orGame sounds For more…
€ 200,00 € 150,00- Jlow pas gate XL black
J.Lopass gateFor LPG trigger switsor VCA Jennifer Lo - pass gateMake every sound drum see demo
€ 75,00 sold out
Broken TAPE simulator .snowBroken tape simulator .snow Broken tape simulator Standalone tabletop brickie format . The box is created to simulate the sound of that tape recorder who is broken.It has a really special sounds you control the pitch .And the bit…
Broken TAPE simulator . v2 withBroken tape simulator v2 eurorack 6hp . is created to simulate the sound of that tape recorder who is broken.It has a really special sounds you control the pitch .And the bit rate of a compressed audio sound . It’s creating a…
€ 169,00 € 139,00- Surf ????♀️ Racket Touch interface
This is an expanderfor the tropical noise v3 That you can plug in It comes also with a refillof 10 different capacitors 4 LED 2 ldr sensors To patch cables The expander you can touch with your fingers and make different soundsyou…
€ 20,00 - cloudbusting GOLD XP
cloudbusting BLINKING EYE edition Cloudbusting is a full Modular experimental synthesiser .It has 11 points that can be patched . 6 modes .Modulation points but also Audio with experimental sounds . Most famous sounds that are…
€ 299,00 sold out
ERROR TRON V4 TATAM stands for moduler
this model is v4 and small
noise synth
with patch bay
comes with 2 patch cables
bag of 10 parts for the variable cap
patch bayError Tron It's about playing with compartments making noises and different…new !
Radio sputnik uvb-76Radio sputnik uvb-76 ..the buzzerIt’s a full experimental Patchable Synthesizer Based on the radio waves Inspired bye the Russian Radiochannel UVB-76 Frequency It’s developed for texture in sub bas and noise Controlled by 6…
€ 299,00- chiptune oscillator / drume.
About the chiptune oscillator / drume. It’s a noise machine with a lot of crunchy loops and that you can control based on computer game soundbut also really crunchy noises it has a lot of happy accidentsreally interesting toTo…
€ 199,00 - LIQUID GLITCHER .the only ultraviolance oscillator gold edition
liquid glitcher the only ultraviolance oscillatorgold
Looking for smal micro sounds Glitchy deep sub bas noise Industrial Rhythms . Sounds of vinyl crackle. Old typewriters . Heavy base . You don't know endless.Find the sweet…€ 349,00 sale
Reverse-dc-motorReverse-dc-motor ::ABOUT A dc motor used in reverse as a sound generator and cv source ::CONNECTION - cv out (5 to 10v peak to peak depending on module) - audio out (around 5v peak to peak clipped by diode distortion) controls: -…
€ 79,00 € 59,00- J low pass gate XL 2
J.Lopass gateFor LPG trigger switsor VCA Jennifer Lo - pass gateMake every sound drum see demo
€ 79,00 85
BLIND NOISE ! nano workshopThe price for the workshop 95€ less than 10 people More than 10 people 85€ This is a low budget workshop it takes a between two and four hours This workshop is developed for Asia and your host will be dennis de bel . More…
- Orgone Drum Cloudbusting 2
Orgone Drum . is . full voice synt and a Drum percussionShort sound eurorack module.With a small patch bay .That you can patch with alligator clips or Metal wire.There are endless possibilities. Inspired bye Cloudbusting . About…
€ 335,00 - LIQUID GLITCHER .the only ultraviolance oscillator
liquid glitcher the only ultraviolance oscillator
Looking for smal micro sounds Glitchy deep sub bas noise Industrial Rhythms . Sounds of vinyl crackle. Old typewriters . Heavy base . You don't know endless.Find the sweet spot…€ 339,00 - LIQUID GLITCHER .the only ultraviolance oscillator
liquid glitcher the only ultraviolance oscillator
Looking for smal micro sounds Glitchy deep sub bas noise Industrial Rhythms . Sounds of vinyl crackle. Old typewriters . Heavy base . You don't know endless.Find the sweet spot…€ 339,00 limited edition no longer made and available
Mechanical Composer [music box ]Mechanical composer .Bring back the nostalgia of old-timey music boxes,If you are Fascinated By music boxes From the early days. And the really warm sound Of this acoustics. This is your thing . There is a Paper strip You can at…
sold out
Indian Resonator 2 osc / kick drum /Indian Resonator 2 osc / kick bas drum /osc / kick drum / warm exotic sound ciat lonbarde plum inspiredMost spiritual Osc / Drumwarm Feedback From resonators That's pushing each other from high to low . The sound is very deep.…
sold out !
LITIHiUM drum / oscIf it’s about chip tune / game sound . or distorted Drums This is your friend. Lots of presets 6hp See demonstrationdrum demo
Soundscaper A eurorackThere is a New soundscaper A is a different kind of control voltage extra sensitive . Also 4 for every potential meter there is CV control With the built-in Lopez gate you can make drums But most of it is making Soundscapes to the…
€ 270,00- banana to euro box black. lab style
Expander voor eurorack mono jack to thebanana Jack .or backwards.If you want to connect buchla or ciat- lombareor bugbrand or serge modulerand also use eurorack moduler .This box is working For patching and more
€ 79,00 - Harmonic Springs
Harmonic SpringsIt’s a small box With SpringsIt has a built-in amplifierIncluded a distortion. In the middle is a tune knop .I change the sensitivity of the amp .There is some distortion switch.That makes it…
€ 189,00 - Harmonic Springs
Harmonic SpringsIt’s a small box With SpringsIt has a built-in amplifierIncluded a distortion. In the middle is a tune knop .I change the sensitivity of the amp .There is some distortion switch.That makes it…
€ 189,00 sold out !
BLIND NOISE green velvetonly 20 made in AmsterdamBlind noise green velvet.Is a experimental .Touchable synthesiser. For a lot of different people The development was for People who can not see good .Or being blind . But also for children and artists this…
new !
Broken TAPE simulator V 3new the V3 Explore Light-sensitive Sensor see video sampels 2secstretch sound til rubber !If you like the sound of a broken tape machine .Of the early days. This is really your thing You can use it like a strange VCA it totally…
€ 169,00new
eraserhead theremin blackTheremin solar power in between
CV out from 0 to 5 volts
and everything in betweenonly 6hp
see demo€ 55,00sold out !
glitch a sketchA pocket-sized portable audio visual plotting machine.
It appears to harness the biological creative energy of the user, converting it into playful sounds and images.
The device often attempts to utilize data that exceeds its…sold out !
cloudbusting / Albino brickieAfter the success of cloudbusting eurorackWe decided to make it also as a standalone In the Boutique collector format brickie. To play together with Standalone equipment or just guitar Effects or pedalsCloudbusting is a full…
The Attenuator CableThe Attenuator Cable is a cable with one jack input socket on one side, an output socket on the other side and a slider in the middle that gives the user the opportunity to attenuate Scroll indicator both CV and audio signals…
€ 9,50 € 6,50SALE !! price
tour patch cables 10x 65 cm duo angled plugtour patch cables 10x 65 cm duo angled plugfor a eurorack system.
if you have the eurorack suitcase with seal
your patch to that and right angle.
the suitcase can always be closed€ 30,00 € 25,00- micro patch cable bag of 10 15cm long
bag of 10xSpecial Skinny micro cableHigh quality shield protectedMuch more space for the fingers and it can bend easily15 cm long
€ 25,00 - BLIND NOISE STRANGE EYE zilver
only 10 made in AmsterdamZILVERBlind noise STRANGE EYE !new noise synth / controler in brickie formatnew built in LFO
see change the color of the eye
to the sound of the oscillatorCV control 2x CV out to control eurorack see demo…€ 210,00 limited edition no longer made and available
MIX + plusMix plus Experimental Mono Mixer Have six Inputs two audio outputs .It has a built in L P G . And Sonar Theremin That generates 0 to 5 V CV out It’s made for Desktop Synthesisers like brickie Formator Korg volga or Compatible…
- Active lullaby
Active lullaby . Is a music box With a built in Pre-ampTo give more power to the sound And you can control The volume by a knob .The music box is a universal size and is replaceable By other music boxes .Please check the…
€ 119,00 new !!
FLYING Attenuator 6xpackFlying Attenuator .It’s very handy if you don’t have space in your Rack Are you still wanting to change the sounds By slowing down the CV.This is really handy tool .It’s with traditional Thonkycon mono jack That we are using…
€ 70,00 € 49,00- FLYING Attenuator 1pc 0U
0u eurorackFlying Attenuator .It’s very handy if you don’t have space in your Rack Are you still wanting to change the sounds By slowing down the CV.This is really handy tool .It’s with traditional Thonkycon mono jack That…
€ 12,50 sold out !
808 DRUMS sampelsSoundForce Sampels drum 808 small 4HP Eurorack drum modules consisting of 6 one-shot sounds from the 808 drum machine.The 6 sounds available on separate channels are the one-shot sounds from the infamous 808 drum machine. It’s…
ERROR ZAPPERerror zapper Is a device to listen to on the Electronic magnetic fields .Around you there will be surprise some sounds from the microwave or the power supply or the laptop. The zapper Is the most strong Device for this kind of…
€ 90,00 € 85,00sold out !
BLIND NOISE NANOBLIND NOISE NANO MINI MINI .Is a experimental .Touchable synthesiser. For a lot of different people The development was for People who can not see good .Or being blind . But also for children and artists this is really…
sold out
Strange eye Blind noise goldThe blind noise gold Eurorack.It’s a analog experimental audio touch interface.You can use it as audio voice .or control voltage. Controller.There are six oscillators.Cross Modulation.And controlling of the pitch.Every knob Has…
sold out
DAS KLIKY DING !Das Kliky DING Electric acoustic eurorackmodule Who makes real clicking Sounds That can be used as a drum or Percussion With a builtin pre-empt See demoReal sounds real KlikyLimit edition of 506HP sice^
sold out !
SABRINA AMP + bitsnifferSabrina AmpIt’s on 3HP Dual amplifier That is tuned For the Bitsniffer To listen to Electronic static fields In your set up You can also use it as an amplifier or as a kind of distortion.Boost Everything harder This model comes…
- victorians lulabay PINK
victorians pink wood sonic lulabay passivejeweler in eurorackpassive music box in eurrack format mini jack out extra sensitive. pick up sensorlimited edition of 40 made 8 hp nice in make noise morphageneor DELAYS or more This…
€ 75,00 - CLOCK WORK orange
For the love of Stanley KubrickOnly a limit of 10 I always looking for a square clock lfo And I can never have too much this too is affordable and in one time you can have four square generators . You can change in the middle with…
€ 129,00 - victorians black lullaby
victorians sonic lulabay passivejeweler in eurorackpassive music box in eurrack format mini jack out extra sensitive. pick up sensorlimited edition of 40 made 8 hp nice in make noise morphageneor DELAYS or more This model is…
€ 79,00 sold out !
cloudbusting / brickieAfter the success of cloudbusting eurorack We decided to make it also as a standalone In the Boutique collector format brickie . To play together with Standalone equipment or just guitar Effects or pedals Cloudbusting is a full…
MEGA PHONE !!mega Phone a duo Preamp modelFor boost your sounds for example using your External equipment korg volga or ipad . boost the audio level up to the Euro rackOr play with drums and making distortions or using contact mics
€ 55,00 € 49,00-11%
MEGA PHONE !!mega Phone a duo Preamp modelFor boost your sounds for example using your External equipment korg volga or ipad . boost the audio level up to the Euro rackOr play with drums and making distortions or using contact mics
€ 55,00 € 49,00sold out !
INVADER BOX black !!If you're looking for a powerful and versatile chiptune synthesizer,the Invader Box may be just what you need. This synthesizer is designed to create vintage game sounds and experimental glitchesthat will take your music to the…
sold out
DATA synth v.1.6 vintageData Synth .Is the digital synthesiser70 algoritmesThat is inspired by game sounds and noises .It has some Circuit bending Influence.And there is a lot of different sounds in there. You can use this manipulation of chaos and…
new surf rocket !
Tropical noise NEO V3,T BLACKTropical noise neo surf rockt `Touch plaid interfasce Is eurorack moduleExperimental oscillatorWith a lot of CV Modulation functions Experimental drums short sounds percussions with the build in Lpg You can make really…
€ 298,003 x pak !
3pak 6mix blackSimple active mixer for eurorack .in 6 HP For Audio and cvWith distortion possibilitieson every channelJust Six inputs and one outputsee demo
€ 170,00- 6 MIX BLACK
Simple active mixer for eurorack .in 6 HP For Audio and cvWith distortion possibilitieson every channelJust Six inputs and one outputsee demo
€ 69,00 sold out
BABY 8 PRO Step sequencer .The baby 8 pro Step sequencer . It's a simple and complex sequences To make baselines or melodies You can tweak every step In a high and low range of sounds . The pro has something special In the middle knob You can choose About…
sold out
ACID BEE ! black vAcid bee Is a experimental basline creator .With a very good light sensor .That is extremely sensitive.The filters and sub Sounds a really deep.It's possible to use control voltage on the knobs. 2xFor external use. the 3 knobs…
DUO LPGJust a simple Duo LPG Included switchFor making it sounds like drums or percussion or to play with your keyboard Vactrol based LPGsee demo3HP
€ 59,00 € 39,00sale !
SIX - MIXSimple active mixer for eurorack .in 6 HP For Audio and cv With distortion possibilities on every channelJust Six inputs and one outputsee demo
€ 79,00 € 59,00-25%
Eraserhead thereminTheremin solar power in between
CV out from 0 to 5 volts
and everything in betweenonly 6hp
see demo€ 65,00 € 49,00sold out !
BLOODY NOISEonly 20 made in Amsterdam
BLOODY NOISE . is a stand alone experimental synth. with more than 70 algorithms. of strange loops. game sound / noise / chiptune / drone / drum / .GLITCH / lots of sounds .find sweet spots. there is…sold out !
BLIND NOISE ! FGBlind noise made for The Falling Girl .Is a experimental .Touchable synthesiser. For a lot of different people The development was for People who can not see good .Or being blind . But also for children and artists this is really…
sold out
TOMO MUJI V2TOMO MUJI V2 is an experimental touch interface for Different type of purpose It can be a touch Interface for CV . / gate / trigger / or audio ./ It can also be a distortion./ It has one input and two outputs . One potential…
sold out !
cloudbusting GR limited editioncloudbusting GRAY RED edition Cloudbusting is a full Modular experimental synthesiser .It has 11 points that can be patched . 6 modes .Modulation points but also Audio with experimental sounds . Most famous sounds that are used…
sold out !
ERD/BREATHThey behold but a brief span of a life that is no life, and, doomed to swift death, are borne up and fly off like smoke.
[Fragments of Empedocles]
ERD/BREATH is designed for the precise voltage control (CV) of heat and thus…sale
J low pass gate XLJ.Lopass gateFor time LPG inc trigger switch And a few small tricksJennifer Lo - pass gateMake every sound drum see demo
€ 79,00sold out
The blind noise Eurorack. BLACK !The blind noise Eurorack.It’s a analog experimental audio touch interface.You can use it as audio voice .or control voltage. Controller. There are six oscillators. Cross Modulation.And controlling of the pitch.Every knob Has CV…
sold out !
cloudbusting RED LABELcloudbusting Albert Hofmann red edition The white with a red blinking eyeCloudbusting is a full Modular experimental synthesiser .It has 11 points that can be patched . 6 modes .Modulation points but also Audio with experimental…
sold out !
cloudbusting Albinocloudbusting ALBINO edition The white with a red blinking eyeCloudbusting is a full Modular experimental synthesiser .It has 11 points that can be patched . 6 modes .Modulation points but also Audio with experimental sounds . Most…
sold out
Trash drum ,v2 Black scaleTrash drum2 cv in vactrol controllableinspired by no drum geiskesexperimental drum moduleexperimental oscillator100% analog percussion drum
its sweeps blur trashy as mad!vactrol controllablesee demo- 5x alligator clip patch cable for TOMO
5x alligator clip patch cable for TOMO
This are high-quality alligator clips if you need them you can use them for the model Tomo You can also use it on Cloudbusting but of course Cloudbusting come with everything included so you…€ 7,00 -22%
RAW SPRING V 2Raw spring v2. Is 3Hp Spring guitar Touch interface .It comes with it peak en 3 extra spring For different sounds. Very nice in delays or a re-Ferb’s.
€ 45,00 € 35,00sold out
Future retro .Sonic lullabyFuture retro Sonic lullabyFuturistic retro . The sonic lullaby passive .Very cool inMorphagene Or sample slicerOr of course delay and re -ferbs
sold out !
cloudbusting BE limited editioncloudbusting BLINKING EYE edition Cloudbusting is a full Modular experimental synthesiser .It has 11 points that can be patched . 6 modes .Modulation points but also Audio with experimental sounds . Most famous sounds that are…
SALE !! price
FLIPPING BITCH !flipping bitch !
Is a drone drum generator .You can use it as drums .but also as a drone.6x different oscilators
that you can crosmodulate
with each other
with built-in low pas gate.
vactrol based. and for
and super snare sound…€ 99,00 € 89,00-10%
MARLYNS BANG !Is a drone drum generator .You can use it as drums .but also as a drone.6x different oscilators
that you can crosmodulate
with each other
with built-in low pas gate.
vactrol based. and for
and super snare sound or tom drumsee…€ 99,00 € 89,00sold out !
Trash drum ,v2Trash drum2 cv in vactrol controllableinspired by no drum geiskesexperimental drum module100% analog percussion drum
its sweeps blur trashy as mad!vactrol controllablesold out !
cloudbusting GOLD limited editioncloudbusting GOLD limited edition Wilhelm Reich limited edition only 10 made . in Amsterdam Cloudbusting is a full Modular experimental synthesiser .It has 11 points that can be patched . 6 modes .Modulation points but also Audio…
sold out !
cloudbusting monogamycloudbusting monogamy is a fully stand alone Moduler experimental synthesizer. It has 11 points that can be patched. 6 modes and deep echo. sound effects. Cloudbusting is a full Modular synthesiser .It has 11 points that can be…
sold out !
NEW cloud busting eurorack blankCloudbusting is a full Modular experimental synthesiser .It has 11 points that can be patched . 6 modes .Modulation points but also Audio with experimental sounds . Most famous sounds that are used for experimental purposes. as…
sold out !
NEW ! Cloudbusting eurorack woodCloudbusting is a full Modular experimental synthesiser .It has 11 points that can be patched . 6 modes .Modulation points but also Audio with experimental sounds . Most famous sounds that are used for experimental purposes. as…
sold out !
NEW cloud busting . black gunmetal panelmat black gunmetal panel ;]Cloudbusting is a full Modular experimental synthesiser .It has 11 points that can be patched . 6 modes .Modulation points but also Audio with experimental sounds . Most famous sounds that are used for…
sorry sold out to Joachim !
subreactor FULL modular synthesisersubreactor . The most sweet standalone modular synthesiser . It’s for experimental purposes but also to have a bread and butter performance .It has a Effects processor With a delay .That you can also use externally It’s a…
sold out !
The Raw Army Eurorack CaseAbout
We found a pile of army cases which where just too good not to re-use them! The pile was huge but we took the time to carefully select 100 nicest and most beautiful cases out of it. So after the selection we bought the 100…sold out !
The Raw Army Eurorack CaseAbout
We found a pile of army cases which where just too good not to re-use them! The pile was huge but we took the time to carefully select 100 nicest and most beautiful cases out of it. So after the selection we bought the 100…all sold out !
Candyreactor FULL modular synthesisercandyreactor . The most sweet standalone modular synthesiser . It’s for experimental purposes but also to have a bread and butter performance .It has a Effects processor With a delay a bit crash and I’ve kind of nice feedback…
sold out !
MTV lullaby delaycircuitbent toy . built-in. delay.
but can also be used as an external delay.
for drums and more.
inc batrry clip and power sub
see demoonly one made in Amsterdam !sold out !
The Arpopone desktopThe Arpopone AKA HARP'O'PHONE is a melody/bass line generator with a chord and rhythmic section, available in desktop and euro rack format.
It is based on analog ramp divider, similar to those used for the Multicassa which are…soldout
KRUSNEK FORST V3krusnek forst .v3It’s a psychedelic Synthesizer.with the philosophy. About controlling unconsciousness.In the deep dark Post realistic forst . It’s a wooden box That can make sounds.and talk some language Of the strange. It…
sold out
ROCKSTAR ! blankarockstar! in eurorack
3 springs. like and guitar,
to rock!
hard amp
make yours eurrack system
an acoustic instrument
super cool in filters or revB or delaysold out !
ROCKSTAR ! blackrockstar! in eurorack
3 springs. like and guitar,
to rock!
hard amp
make yours eurrack system
an acoustic instrument
super cool in filters or revB or delaysold out !
NEMO delay.Nemo delay . It’s not just a delay
It’s based on feedback so you can do self oscillation.For some weird sounds noise Tracy feedback.
Or really dirty bitch crush .
You can also gets close to the karplus strong Algorithms
So…sold out !
the MOSCOW DRIVERode to the taxis in moscow! !!
glitch sound machine toy. very good to mix with guitar pendalenspeed adjusting control
distorsionsold out !
Circuit Bent Speak & and Spell RARE ! italyModified -by fastmatt real sound from the texas instruments chip analog generated speech synthesis
so no sampels!
fastmatt is a professional circuit bender specializing in the classic Texas Instruments Speak & Spell, Read, and…sold out !
Circuit Bent Speak & and ReadModified -by fastmatt real sound from the texas instruments chip analog generated speech synthesis
so no sampels!
fastmatt is a professional circuit bender specializing in the classic Texas Instruments Speak & Spell, Read, and…sold out !
DREAM BOX ,ambient loopsfull of ambient loops
smooth and natural sound loops .It features white noise, wave sound, birdsong, waterfall, cricket sound, bicker and 3 lullabies, so that you can choose sounds according to your preferences and needs to…new !!
Eurorack Power Cables pack of 5 x 10 tot 16 pinEURORACK POWER CABLESpack of 5 x pics 10 /16
€ 10,00sold out !
NEW ! pocket noise generator 2.0the new. pocket noise generator 2.0 have a built-in data box with the controllers at the front
pocket noise generator
ultimate Deep soundscape machine
in the size of a handbagits DEEP en DARK
only one made rare
TUBE LDR…- adventure kit. TROPICAL NOISE
adventure kit.
and bag with different components
28x different capacitors 2x LDR sensors for playing with light and shadow.
also crazy capacitors of / glass / steel / very large /€ 18,00 - PARTY GAS module / nitrous oxide / eurorack
module for party GAS / nitrous oxide / lach gas
the party drug . now in eurorack /
for interest in dis module
mail ;
or see book en more about art of dennis de bel
see… sold out ! to finland
dark noise generatordark noise generatoris a complex soundscape machine
with 6 oscillators NAND saw / tri
Joystick control
with a banana plug patchbay
like buchla. and labritory
for experimental bleeps and noise
purely analogue generated, soundwith…sold out !
M K S micro / karp / springguitar springs with a built-in liquid delay sound
close to the karplus strong algorithm
the M K S is built in and playable instruments with an effect
the effect can also be used externally. for drums or other things
easy to…sold out !
ERROR,S Toolless Thumb Screws10 pcs M3 x 8mm Toolless Thumb Screws half Screw Thread
innovation in the Eurorack world: ERROR,S Toolless are screws for mounting eurorack modules, which can be fastened with a variety of Toollessscrewdrivers, an Allan key or…sold out
traditional Buddhist Buddha Music MachineLotus Chinese Buddhist Buddha Pray Music Machine With 8/22 Songs Incantation
22 Songs:
1. Vatican singers (84 sentences)
2. South Amitabha Buddha (Yao Yi Master)
3. South Amitabha Buddha (sincere Buddha)
4. South no…sold out
Lotus Mini Buddhist Music MachineSix Songs : loops
traditionele meditatie ambient mantra
1. Amitabha (four words pentameter)
2. South no Guanyin Bodhisattva
3. South without possession of Bodhisattva
4 old Master four words
5. South without Amitabha
6. Six…sold out !
The Dark Interpreter special error,s editionsThe Dark Interpreter special error,s editionsFrom the diviner of The Black Death, The Dark Interpreteris the ultimate plague-driven, finger sensitive, stand-alone noise processor, granular synthesiser and sound generator, merging…
sold out !
the dark portal generatorthe dark portal generatoropen the door . a trace and door in the unconscious
to a darkest soundscapes. it generates the difference of light on earth. it takes you. deep in the dark other dimension
its a trip a complex drones deep…new
victorians wood sonic lulaby passivevictorians sonic lulabay passive
victorians albino edition
sonic lulabay passive
jeweler in eurorack
passive music box in eurrack format
mini jack out
extra sensitive. pick up sensor
limited edition of 40 made
8 hp
nice…€ 110,00 € 89,00supper sale
SALE !! price
high end contact michigh end
extra sensitive
BIG pick up mic
big range of sound
see demo.for soundscape s
also for drum trigger
extra long cable 3 m€ 22,00 € 17,00sold out !
New. SPIKES white MILK edition.Spikes is a module with 14 touch points.
extra long spikes 27 mm long MILK
The black eye skull is part of the touch. function
10 made only
you can mix it to generate different sounds or CV.
o it's a voice but also a…sold out !
SPIKES ROBOTSpikes BEEB robot is a module noise machine.
With touch sensitive,From the beeb colexion
Collaboration with erica synths.
red big LED eye
Pico VCOPico DSP
Error spikes
Price goes on request
see demo
new demo…€ 2.600,00sold out !!
Dark storm maker.Dark storm maker. is an organic noise drone with complex echo
severals touch points with your hand.
Hot organic sound.3x scul as touch points
12 xspikes to mix sounds
demo soon
art by .dani ludwigs
is exhibited on…-39%
Multie tree only in blackmultie tree
its a Audio / control voltage /Splitter 1 Male to 2 3 4 Female
only in black
convenient to you. modular .eurorack
see demo€ 9,00 € 5,50sold out
Mini Buddhist Pray Scriptures looper.Mini Buddhist Pray Scriptures
1) Tong Aiguo;
2) Six, two words Daming curse;
3) Amitabha Jingkong master read - in
4) possession of the holy;
5) he old master Buddha - slow clearance
6) seven words two namo Avalokitesvara…- CASIO SK-10 Sampling Keyboard
This is a demo of the funky Casio SK-10 sampler/synthesizer, by Liz Luttinger.
The SK-10 offers 1.4 seconds of 8-bit sampling goodness, along with some eightiestastic drum beats and synth tones.
If you’ve used the Casio SK-10,… collectors item sold out !
casio vl.10
"The smallest keyboard instrument ever made! 29 keys (buttons), 3 different sounds, and 10 drum rhythms. Plus,…sold out !
NEW !! Bit snifferbit sniffer
is a magnetic field. viewfinder
these need a preamp.
find the hidden sounds off
tell phone.
wiFi routers
microwave oven.
more se demo