

About the shipment if you place an order. Your order will be shipped between one and three days. Of course you got a message of this. Order confirmation. We ship around the world with UPS not the cheapest but one of the best. Usually the shipment around the world takes between three days and 10 work days depends where you live in the world of course. You will get a tracking number by UPS. So make sure you leave A real email address . If you don’t have your package in 14 days please contact us. Also we have always your track number if you don’t have it From UPS. Everything we sent is secured with the insurance. There are a few ways to contact us . Email Or use social network Facebook errorinstruments Page. Instagram errorinsttruments page . Also we have a telephone number old-school but works always good. 0031628702561 Make sure if you called that you use WhatsApp . Because of the extreme high costs with the normal line. And remember We are shipping from Amsterdam. So if you call don’t call us in the middle of the night. .


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